Pose I and Pose II
Epson print on smooth pearl photo paper, 150x180 cm, from The Mosquito and the Ruler,
Bergen kunsthall, 2010.
In this project I was interested in how seemingly rigid structures were making their own expressions, far away from the original form that I had given them. I investigated how different contradictory terms could be integrated in the visual expression. Terms such as the permanent and the temporal, the intended and the unintended, the meaningful and the meaningless, system and disarray. These are contradicting terms that in many ways can be tranferred to the mechanisms in society.
I documented my paper sculptures in 1:1 photographs and gave them titles that have different meanings in Norwegian and English – Pose means bag in Norwegian, while the English meaning of the word indicates that its composition is somewhat intended. The wooden shapes lived their own life, and fell more and more apart during the exhibition period.
matchsticks and pvc glue, dimentions variable from The Mosquito and the Ruler, Bergen kunsthall, 2010
Sticks and copper joints, dimentions variable from The Mosquito and the Ruler, Bergen kunsthall, 2010